I've been absent. It's true. I'm a bad bad blogger. I started writing this for me and then I worried about what I should write! I started to think about regular posts, titles, projects etc etc etc........ It scared me off and made me spend my free time (what precious little I have of it!) as far away from this blog as I could!
Then I had a realisation. When you start doing something for yourself, regardless of who may see it, you should enjoy it! Seems obvious I know but it took me a while to really understand it.
So I was reading one of my favourite blogs in feedly, My Soul is the Sky, when she mentioned she had decided to follow the blog every day in May challenge. I was intrigued so I followed the link to the original post and found Storyofmylife. What a beautiful post! It felt like she was talking to me and easing my fears. So I figured why not give it a go? Now I may not manage one a day but I will try my hardest. I'm planning on doing a photo a day challenge too so May will be a busy month!
So fingers crossed everyone that I manage to write as many as I can and that it will help me find my groove in my little bit of the internet.